The Downers Grove Bicycle Club offers terrific bike riding opportunities throughout the year and social gatherings and friendships through our shared interest in cycling. With over 100 members, we are small enough to get to know one another through rides and social activities. Our members include all levels of cyclists. Whatever your level of experience, we welcome you to join us.
Our Mission
To promote bicycling for transportation, recreation, and better health;
To encourage and assist beginning riders, welcome new members, and be a diverse and inclusive club;
To schedule club rides, hold monthly meetings, and offer social events;
To connect riders of similar skills and interests;
To educate members in safe riding practices and bicycle maintenance; and
To work with the village to improve cyclists' safety.
Membership Meetings
Membership meetings provide club business updates, open discussions on club activities and policies, and feature speakers on subjects of interest. Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month throughout the year, either virtually or in person at a venue to be announced. Meeting updates are sent to members through our Google Group.
Administrative Roles
We are an all-volunteer organization with four elected officers and a host of appointed coordinators to administer club functions. Please let us know if you would like to help with any of these tasks or have any skills that may be useful to the club.
Preside at club and Board meetings;
Create agenda for each Board meeting and send it to Board several days before the meeting;
Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees;
Signatory on DGBC bank account;
Has general knowledge of all facets of the club;
Direct individual Board members;
Attempt to attend all Board meetings, club meetings, and special events, such as Ride of Silence, Working Bikes Collection, Summer Picnic, and Holiday Party;
Additional duties as needed:
Support each Board member
Draft/send emails about upcoming events
Draft/send follow-up recaps of events to keep non-attending members informed
Work to establish and maintain relationships with area businesses
Create ad-hoc committees
Be an overall positive force within the club, promoting participation and social/advocacy involvement
Average Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week, with the expectation that special events will cause a slight increase.
Vice President
Preside in the absence of the president at Board meetings, club meetings, special events, or as otherwise agreed;
Serve as a secretary in their absence at Board meetings;
Contribute to club leadership and direction;
Perform other duties as assigned by the president or Board;
Signatory on DGBC bank account.
Average Monthly Time Commitment: 2-4 hours, depending on ad-hoc assignments and availability of the president and secretary.
Take minutes at Board meetings;
Submit written minutes to Board.
Average Monthly Time Commitment: 1-2 hours.
Per Club Bylaws: “The Treasurer will be the custodian of club funds.” The Club maintains a single bank account at Community Bank of Downers Grove (CBDG), and Treasurer is the primary contact at the bank and maintains records of bank documents. Account access information, including passwords, is maintained by the treasurer.
Per Club Bylaws: “The treasurer may make expenditures of club funds for regular and budgeted expenses within the expense approval guidelines. The Treasurer must approve any club expenditure of less than $100. The Board must approve any expenditure greater than $100. Paid receipts, invoices or other written evidence of the expenditure shall support all expenditures.” Treasurer maintains the check register and supports for all club expenditures, along with required approvals.
Prepare an Annual Budget (approved by Board) for projected revenues and expenditures. Revenues, primarily member dues and fees/reimbursements for Club activities, should be consistent with Membership rolls. As most revenues are collected through the memberplanet (MP) platform, the Treasurer should reconcile collected amounts to the membership counts in MP. Generally, memberplanet electronically transfers monies (reduced by their fees) into the CBDG account weekly or when amounts are available in “slow season months”. The Treasurer has access to MP files, including the transfer information used to reconcile bank deposits. Other miscellaneous collections, not thru MP, should be given to the Treasurer, who will prepare and make deposits at CBDG.
Prepare a monthly financial report for the Board. This generally will include all cash transaction detail (listing each check or other disbursement), for both the current month and Year-to-Date. The report will include a reconciliation of the bank balance.
Responsible for the liability Insurance policy for the Club. The policy premium is paid in January each year to American Special based on the expected member counts (usually the prior year-end counts).
Responsible for filing the Illinois Secretary of State Annual Report, due May 1. This includes updating officers and directors and requires a payment to the State. The Treasurer may also serve as Resident Agent for state purposes.
Manage payment forms for club functions aside from dues (holiday party, etc.)
Some charges in the prior year have been set up through Paypal. There is a modest amount maintained in this account, which will debit the CBDG account as payments are made. Activity in this account is minor.
Signatory on DGBC bank account.
Average Monthly Time Commitment: 2-4 hours, including Board meetings
Advocacy Coordinator
The Advocacy Chair’s role, is to work to improve bicycling in Downers Grove to enhance cycling’s impact on transportation, recreation, and health.
Chairs Advocacy committees:
Passport to Safety: early April, hosted by DG Fire Department and DG Park District
Cub Scout Troop 57 Bike Rodeo: Friday evening pack meeting, April
Founders Day Family Bicycle Ride: First Saturday in May. Work with DG Historical Society, and obtain permits from the Village and Park District for starting at Fishel Park. Invite local Village leaders.
Ride of Silence: Work with the Village for a permit, route approval, and police escort. Invite local Village leaders.
Advocacy Issues:
Work on implementing bike/pedestrian plan, Bicycle Friendly Community
Optional: Attend National Bike Summit, Illinois Bike Summit, Active Trans meetings, Village Council meetings
Works with:
Ride Illinois: Ed Barsoti
Active Transportation Alliance: Maggie Melin
Forward DuPage: Anne Marchetti
DG Village Council: Mayor, Commissioners, Village Staff
DG Public Works Director: Naniel Newlon
Average Monthly Time Commitment: 5+ hours, including Board meetings and club m,,eetings.
Digital Services Coordinator
Maintain club’s non-Facebook digital resources, including the public and administrative websites, Google Group and shared documents;
Recommend and develop new resources to support administrative objectives.
Average Monthly Time Commitment: prepare & present Board and ad hoc status reports: 0 - 2.5 hours; respond to administrator IT inquiries: 0 - 1 hours; document, monitor, maintain and update digital resources: 0.5 - 4 hours; recommend and develop new resources: 0+ hours.
Marketing Coordinator (formerly Social Media)
Post club meeting notices/invitations to the club website (Google Calendar), Google email group, and Facebook (public and members-only) groups;
Administer public and members-only Facebook groups;
Develop social media and other marketing materials for all events in coordination with special event committee chairs;
Act as press contact for all events.
Average Monthly Time Commitment: 2 hours
Membership Coordinator
Manage and track members in the membership management system (currently memberplanet);
Send membership-related emails, e.g. reminders to pay dues, etc.;
Propose best ways to use memberplanet for other club functions;
Administrator for memberplanet;
Lead efforts to attract and retain members, e.g., year-end member awards;
Monitor and report on membership data, including membership types, member profiles, referrals, and unpaid memberships.
Average Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week; additional time in Q4 preparing memberplanet for the next season: 4 hours; additional time processing new memberships in January: 1 hour/week.
Ride Coordinator
Develop and maintain a selection of weekly scheduled rides for different abilities (distance and pace);
Coordinate scheduled and ad hoc rides;
Post initial ride details and updates to Facebook, Google group and website calendar;
Recruit ride leaders for regularly scheduled rides;
Provide ongoing education for ride leaders as needed;
Collect and archive ride sign-in (release of liability) sheets;
Chair beginning of year Ride Leader Steering Committee to solicit input and direction on club rides.
Average Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week, mostly to send out emails soliciting ride leader commitments and publishing scheduled rides, posting to Facebook, Google distribution group, and the club calendar.
Social Coordinator
The Social Chair’s role is to improve the value of club membership by providing social activities which allow members to know each other better, thus developing stronger ties to the club.
Chair Social Committee;
Organize monthly social activities;
Plan and manage optional weekend away cycling trip;
Oversee planning and execution of Annual Club Picnic: Obtain Permit from DG Park District or Forest Preserve District and arrange for catering;
Oversee planning and execution of the annual Holiday Party.
Average Monthly Time Commitment: 3+ hours, including Board and club meetings.