Join Us

Club Membership

Individual membership in the Downers Grove Bicycle Club is open to all individuals age 18 or older. Your membership fee goes to support club meetings, events and activities, bicycle advocacy in the community, educational events and other cycling-related goodness. So support the club and join us!

A family membership is available for individuals of the same household with two or more members age 18 or older. Household members under 18 years of age may participate in non-voting club activities when accompanied by a parent or guardian; and with a parent/guardian signed waiver for the activity on file with the club.

Membership dues are $30 for an individual membership and $40 for a family membership. The membership year is the calendar year, with renewal dues due by January 31st. Members who join DGBC after November 1st will have their first year membership period extended through the end of the following membership year. Members are considered delinquent if their renewal hasn’t been received by February 1st of the membership year and lose Good Standing status until the dues are paid. Members must be in Good Standing with dues current to be eligible to vote.

Benefits include:

For more information on membership please contact our Membership Manager at

Online Payment

Click the link below and you will be redirected to our secure online membership platform. Simply complete the form along with your payment information to join.

Annual membership fees are $30 for individuals and $40 for families. Your  membership is good through December 31st. If you join after November 1st, your membership will extend through the following calendar year.

You can pay for your membership with a credit or debit card. Membership fees are due January 31st each year.

Offline Payment

If you prefer postal, click the Join By Mail link below and complete the form, print it, and send it along with your check to:

Downers Grove Bicycle Club

900 Ogden Ave. #261

Downers Grove, IL 60515

Please note: the club encourages online payment and we are no longer able to accept cash.

Google Group Email List

Join our Google Group and get last-minute ride announcements, updates on social events, and witty banter!  This is an email distribution list.